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Allerede i uke 44 kan du få anledning til å være med på kurs. Mer informasjon finner du under:

Jæren surfeklubb, ISA (International Surf Association) and Shannon Ainsli are happy to announce that we are running an ISA certified judging course in week 44. Completing this course, you become a Level 1 certified judge, and you have also started on a journey to possibly become an international judge following the ISA judging levels.  

The ISA judging pathway includes an e-learning course (step1) to teach the foundations of surf judging followed by a live certification course (step2) delivered by Shannon Ainsli to guide the new judges in applying the criteria in real scenarios.

When & where:

- Complete E-learning (4-6hours) whenever you feel like, BUT before the live certification course.

- Certification course with Shannon will be held over two evenings, 29th &30th October, starting 18:00. Location: TBC


- E-learning cost 60$ and is paid directly on ISA webpage (info mail sent from Ine)

- Certification course cost 1500nok and paid to Shannon.

Yes – you pay for your judging course yourself. BUT, we, Jæren surfclub pays our judges and the money will be paid back within 3 days of judging.

Please e-mail Ine Haugen on, and she will forward you an information mail on what to do to complete the e-learning.

For more info about ISA judging: ISA COURSES — International Surfing Association (

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