Ny landslagsstruktur surf

Ny landslagsstruktur surf

Etter en grundig og gjennomarbeidet prosess er det en glede å presentere den reviderte landslagsstrukturen for surf.  

Den nye strukturen har som mål å skape forutsigbarhet rundt kriteriene og uttaksprosessen, etablere rettferdige retningslinjer for uttak, samt sikre et solid fundament for utvikling og store prestasjoner. Den nye strukturen vil være grunnlaget for uttaket av utøvere til landslagene i årene som kommer, og den vil kontinuerlig bli evaluert for å sikre en best mulig ramme for landslagene.  

Vi ønsker å inviterere alle interesserte til et åpent digitalt informasjonsmøte førstkommende onsdag, 20. mars kl. 15:30. Der vi vil gå gjennom kriteriene og åpne for spørsmål. Link til møtet HER

Vi ønsker å understreke at:  

1. Uttaket til landslaget vil bli gjort etter en helhetsvurdering av utøvernes prestasjoner og potensial. Det er ikke et krav at alle kriteriene er oppfylt, og vurderingen vil gjelde for begge kjønn og alle klasser (junior, Open, para).  

2. Neste uttak 1. desember, Vi ønsker å sikre et grundig og rettferdig uttak, følgelig vil det eksisterende landslaget bestå frem til nytt uttak i desember. Landslagstreneren er ansvarlig for uttaket til hver konkurranse inntil nytt landslag er på plass. Se mer informasjon om uttaksprosessen under «Selection Process both teams»

Per nå er dokumentet på engelsk, men det vil bli utarbeidet en norsk versjon:  

Landslagsstruktur, kriterier og uttak  

In the following document, a brief explanation, and criteria for selection to our national teams: 1) national team and 2) national recruit team are presented. There are no age restrictions on the teams (except for youth sports regulations). This means that selection is based on skill rather than age, allowing for the inclusion of both junior and senior athletes on both teams.  

Both teams serve as a complement to individual pursuits. This structure aims to professionalize national team activities and ensure that those aspiring to join the teams are aware of the expectations placed upon them.  

National Team

The primary objective of the national team is to support and create an environment of growth in preparation to qualify for the Olympics, and other major sporting events. Choosing a Norwegian team, and supporting those who have the potential to take medals in international events and/or qualify for the Olympics. The athlete can live anywhere in the world but needs to own a Norwegian passport.  

The number of spots on the team is determined by the number of individuals who meet the criteria, and a thorough evaluation. The criteria are based on the level in international competitions and apply to both genders and all classes.

Criteria National team:

  • Competent surfer - show surf skills on a high level, advanced maneuvers such as laybacks and/or airs, and a variety of moves both backside and frontside.  
  • Must reach the finals in the National Championships (NM) and/or refer to good results in contests within the athlete's residing country.
  • Must have goals and dreams to compete and represent Norway over the agreed period. Plans need to be put in place for consistent training
  • Must be dedicated and make time for monthly follow ups on training progress (can be in person or online)
  • Good sportsmanship is expected from everyone on the team.

2028 OL – 5-year plan

  • By agreement, represent Norway at ISA short board open events.
  • By agreement, compete in WQS events in Europe (and other regions if possible)
  • Should be willing to spend time in Norway for training camps/contest.

National recruit team.

It is a goal that we uphold the communal aspect of surfing and ensure that those who wish to invest time and resources, and meet the specified criteria, have the opportunity to represent Norway in selected competitions. The primary objective for the Recruit Team is to support and to create an environment of growth in preparation to represent Norway at the European Championships. If the athlete excels or performs well in designated competitions, they may have the opportunity to represent the national team in other contests. The athlete will then receive a formal invitation from the national team coach. The representative can live anywhere in the world but needs to own a Norwegian passport.

The number of spots on the team is determined by the number of individuals who meet the criteria, and a thorough evaluation. The criteria are based on the level in international competitions and apply to both genders and all classes.

Criteria National recruit team:  

  • Competent surfer- show surf skills on a high level, such as a variety of maneuvers both backside and frontside as well as being able to surf waves of consequence.
  • Competent surfer- show the ability to develop advanced maneuvers - such as laybacks and/or airs.  
  • Surfer should be ranked (in your age division) in top 3 in Norwegian cup, and/or refer to good results in contests within the athlete's residing country.
  • Surfer must compete in NM. Winning NM gives you a spot onto the team (unless surfer is not meeting the other criteria’s)
  • Must have goals and dreams to compete and represent Norway. Plans need to be put in place for consistent training.  
  • Must be dedicated and make time for follow ups on training progress (can be in person or online).  
  • Good sportsmanship is expected from everyone on the team.

Selection Process both teams:

There will be a selection based on the criteria each year before December 1st. The selection being conducted by the national team coach, and the sports director at the Norwegian Board Sports federation.

- Athletes are evaluated against the criteria, and a thorough evaluation

- Open opportunity to submit a selection video and motivation letter by October 1st.

- Evaluation of performance, effort, potential, enthusiasm, and motivation.

- Talk with the national team coach and/or sports director during October.  

- The length of the national team agreement will vary from athlete to athlete

Please note that the final selection is based on a thorough evaluation. The selection process is confidential between the athlete and the coach/sports director until the team is officially announced.

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